Saturday, June 14, 2008

West Coast, Task 5

Another really well designed 68 km task today - I am very impressed with the quality of the tasks, they have been matching the conditions and remain very challenging.

Much warmer weather for task 5, no clouds but fairly consistent climbs up to 700 ft/min.

The course went to Grants Pass then to a tricky lee-side turnpoint near Apple Gate and then goal at Donato's. The high ground was working well, but there we some tense moments when we got low and scraped out of a small clear cut right at the top of the ridge line.

Nineteen gliders in goal, I raced too hard and came up 1k short which cost me 200 points - another lesson learned.

One more task remains and Greg Babush and Marty Devietti are within a few points of each other, the excitement is building.

The weather looks good for our last task.

Competition Results are Here.

Stayed Tuned


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