Worlds 2007, Day 2

The farmers want to know when the next competition is, (they love the rain). On the bright side, Bright has seen two 150km days in a row. With the worlds being a 13 day comp, we will get some tasks in.
With no flying going on, there is a lot of socializing to be done - designers talking about design, pilots talking about the mods being made to the comp wings that just showed up, and lots of talk about the fastest wings - and how to keep them open...
The pic was taken a couple days ago, the glider on the left is a Boom5, note the high arc, shorter lines (to me) and rounded tips.
I have been here off an on for about 5 weeks, and today is the first day I have seen the day time temps go below 30C, kinda nice in a way...
Stay Tuned
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