
First the gust front, then rain, then rolling thunder, and then a "sweeping arm" unstable cloud that marked boundary of front, then blue sky a couple hours later.
The front brought a new air mass but it was windy for several days, today it settled down and we got to race around in it for 3 hours.
We set a task, but scaled it back because the wind was stronger than forecast, so we couldn't do the 101 km triangle we wanted to, but we will get another chance. Colin Page and some others did a 70km FAI triangle in 5 hours...
I am using Geoff Wong's WebApp to score the practice tasks, it is the first totally web based turnpoint verification and scoring system I know of, and it is really slick!
I've loaded a task from a US comp I scored using compgps about 6 months ago into it to see how the scores compare. He is working out some of the kinks, but I really like what I've seen so far, and it's really easy to use - can you imagine that??
It could fill a huge hole - easy scoring for local comps giving aspiring comp pilots the practice they need to improve their game.
Stay Tuned
Dude! Sounds like you guys have been having some good flying! I've updated my blog with our adventures of the last few days, stay tuned, tomorrow could be on for a big one if the thunder storms stay away long enough. Chat to you soon!
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