Bright 321, Task 2

Winds were lighter today so we went to the Pines. The task was elapsed time to Yarrawonga via 2 turnpoints. Quite a few people bombed out just after launch opened, the second wave off the hill jumped into a better cycle and we climbed out no problems.
We had an airspace lid at 4500 ft, if you go 100 meters into it, you get a zero for the day. There were huge thermals boosting people towards cloudbase/airspace, I saw lots and lots of spirals being held in for long stretches - I wonder if blacking out trying to avoid airspace would get us any brownie points with the airspace board of whatever quasi-government that monitors it with spy satellites?
All I could think about was how to stay under 4500 ft - after my share of 5G spirals, my brain got smashed into my spinal column and in my altered state I flew right past the 1st turnpoint, and ooops, there goes my race as I was downwind of it in a blink of an eye.... As someone from a small town would say: "That'll learn ya..!"
Looks like we will be out there again tomorrow for some more acro moves beneath the invisible lid at 4500 feet.
Stay tuned!
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