MYSTIC CUP - 16/Feb/2008

The thinkers figured out that a zig-zag early on over known triggers would get you the 3 turnpoints, then heading out the valley towards the flats would rack up the kilometers. That would have worked well, but as the day progressed it just got more stable, and so what really mattered was how much patience you could muster.
I got impatient and made a suicide run to apex from Mystic after turning around on my way to Clearspot - I wasn't quite high enough to make it there comfortably, and as you would expect suicide runs aren't how you win tasks ...
Heike made a run for Gungle's Gully and then onto Mt Porepunkah and then ran down the range, that worked well for sure. There were a few wings in the sky late in the day and they probably did well too - they headed towards Myrtleford and were on there way back, so expect some big kilometers there.
Tomorrow is another day and we will do it again, and that is what matters....
Thanks for the beer Hamish, cheers from down-under!
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