Task 4 - 29/Jan/2008

The task went 113km task out near Inglewood with one turnpoint about 70km out to keep pilots close to the Cunningham Hwy. The task went west so the only airspace to deal with is an 8500 foot ceiling- unlike yesterday's task which saw some pilots tangling with a more restrictive Airspace boundary (left purposely un-named) point penalties were awared.
Lots of nice Cu today, but as I watched a gaggle bobble along, I could tell the cores were not well formed and not every climb was to base. It was not magic cloud hopping for sure.
Base wasn't very high and if you didn't get to base, it didn't take long before survival mode kicked in, combine this with course line that went through a giant blue hole and about 60km out and gliders started dropping.
When the gaggles stopped to climb, they still had a ground speed close to trim, it's blowy out here. I don't expect a crowd in goal today. I will get some scores to yous tommorrow.
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