Killarney - Task1 & 2

Low cloud base and lots of it today, which is why an elapsed time race was called with Clifton as goal (63.7km). Weak conditions and a bit of wind made getting the Killarney TP the first hurdle, and it was weak the next 25k, but then it got a little easier, maybe 10 pilots made goal. One of the Japanese pilots had the fastest time.
Task 2 - 27/Jan/2008
Less cloud on launch today, but some big Cu out west and Tstorm in the forecast. Weak conditions again made the course tough going. Elapsed time race straight from launch with Clifton as goal again. The storms stayed away from courseline but there was a lot of shade to deal with and some rain nearby. Not sure how many made goal, but I'm sure some did.
Howdy Captain!
Thanks heaps for the update - Hamish and I were itching for news! Hope the flying goes really well for ya, but more importantly, keep blogging! ;-)
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Hi Brett,
Well done on keeping us up to date! Believe it or not you are the only source of news/results from Killarney. The Killarney website is conspicuous by its lack of any news at all. Considering this is the Nationals......
Great job, hope you get a few more good days - Garry Stevenson
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