Thursday, June 19, 2008

Post Comp Thoughts

You hear about the lead gaggle racing each other into the ground - and it's true, it happens more often than a logical person would allow themselves to repeat the mistake. When it happens, I've noticed I do much better in a task...

The mistake is thinking that you can't allow someone to beat you - what happens is you beat yourself - you beat yourself because you couldn't stand the thought of people passing you. What really matters is the total results (or do scores really matter at all?).

What really matters is that you get to goal, because the penalty for not getting to goal is much more severe than getting to goal slowly.

I think it's safe to say that the real tactician has their ego in check - they know that points are points and it doesn't matter how you get them, just that you get more than the others.

Of course that same tactician isn't going to win a task, they know winning a task has a price - it takes coming up short of goal 5 times for each task you win, and those odds don't win comps.

What wins comps is consistency. The pimpers are the most consistent, damn their souls! But I think every pimper one day gets tired of taking the safest odds and needs a little more excitement, and eventually ends up pushing out in front and taking the risk that comes with being first into goal.

At least they better stop taking the "low road" all the time, cause we know who you are...


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