WCPC Task 3, Day 6

Start was at 12:45, which is early, but we wanted to get the race on before the clouds built. Just as the race started, Eric Reed took a big frontal on his brand new wing, and something went wrong with the recovery, so he had to throw. Perfect landing, and not in the trees. Glad he is OK.
On course we headed up Rabies ridge towards Rabies peak, and we were pushing a head wind using a lot of bar. Multiple tries were needed to make any headway up the ridge, and gliders were getting low, turning downwind and landing. A few gliders got to base and made it over Rabies Peak and tagged the first turnpoint, a bunch of us couldn't get over the top and we needed to try something else, so we went around the south side of Rabies and got 3 km from the TP, and had to turn and land in the valley. Only four pilots got the first Turnpoint, and only Hayden made goal, Josh and Nick got close.
When we first got to launch, the tilt of the clouds showed how much NW wind there was, and setting the first TP that far into the wind was a mistake, it put the hardest part of the race as the first leg. Having so many pilots not make the first TP will massively devalue the day, but more than that, we could have called a task that resulted in pilots getting to goal, something we haven't seen much of in this comp. I am on the task committee, my first in a major comp, so I am pointing a finger at myself, but there are 4 other pilots on the commmittee that have done the job many times. Sure, hindsight is 20/20 but I think the signs were there.
Tomorrow is the last day of the comp and hopefully we will have pilots in goal.
Results are Here
stay tuned
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