Blue Skies

Just as Brian Webb and I were about to launch, a pilot thermalled too close to the trees and hit a tree - we unclipped and gave assistance. The pilot had fallen quite a ways and hit some very hard ground but amazingly walked away from it. I don't know for sure, but I think he will be alright. I rode up in his car and we talked, and he is a really good chap. We need to keep a good distance between us and mother earth when we defy the laws of gravity!
Another reflection for this day - when you try something new, sometimes good or bad may come of it. The last time I packed my glider, I kept the wing clipped into the harness. I have tried this a couple times before but didn't like it because it is easy to launch with riser twists, which is what happened today. Just before launching I fixed one of the twists, but I should have suspected the other would be twisted too. The worst thing about launching with riser twists is it can really mess with your head, but gladly, it doesn't mess with your glider. And so off I went.
After about a half an hour, we decided route 6 wasn't going to work - the lift wasn't quite enough to make it that far upwind so instead of sinking out, we decided to leave Blackfellows and head toward Gold mine ridge. Two gliders were high and climbing and I search and scratched and grovelled but couldn't get back up. My flight ended near the Wandi Pub (beer suck?).
Tomorrow is the first day of the Mystic cup - I hope the wind stays light!
Ciao, Brett
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