Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Task 2 - Bright Open

South winds, so we went to the Pines - but the conditions are so weak, the airspace doesn't matter!

Task 2:

# ID Type Radius Description
1 ray057 start 400m RaysPlace
2 pin055 speed 2000m ThePinesTO
3 eld020 waypoint 1000m Edlorado
4 red020 endspeed 3000m RedesdaleRiverinaRd
5 red020 goa 2000m RedesdaleRiverinaRd

It has rained this summer more than anyone can remember and a front has just swung through so the temps are low, and a south wind is blowing. It's not the combo we want.

The task was long - 80km, which was too long as no one made goal, but Andrew H. got pretty close. I shitbombed 1k after leaving the start cylinder, and then I had to hitch for 3 hours to get home, I want to have this day removed from my memory, like Jim Carey in the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"


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