Dog Days of Summer

Monday I flew Mystic, at least 10 gliders flew midday. My ride was good for about 2 hours, strong climbs (above 1000 ft/min) but in what is becoming classic spring style, it blew out around 2pm so we landed. We were doing Route 1, and when the wind turned on, I struggled to make it back to the LZ (landing paddock in Oz speak) and lots of bar was needed, and I had one big asym while on full bar, but the Lambada always opens without a fuss.
Mystic was closed by fire ban today, so we went up to Mt Buffalo, which is a big granite mountain just to the west. We got there a bit late and one really nice up the face cycle came in, and then it came over the back. And it blew out again in the valley... The word from the locals is the wind will back down after Christmas (Christmas in the summer is weird), but this being another drought year of many in a row is what people blame for causing the strong wind and strong air.

If you look closely at the sign, you will see that someone drew some big teeth on the Lyre Bird, and made the kangaroo into a dinosaur, I guess to make fun of the "Beware" part of the sign. The animal in the middle is a wombat.
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