Big Cotton

Today we got to see how fast it can OD (over-develop) at Mt Borah. A tandem did launch off the hill but the giant cloud street out in front just kept getting bigger, and then a tell-tale column of rain dropped out of a nearby cloud. We felt a slight temperature change from the cooler air dropping out of the cloud and it got a little gustier. The visibility on the horizon decreased. Then we became distracted by fixing a flat on the Basher III, until a few drops came out of the sky...
We looked out in front and a wall of rain was coming at launch - our gliders were open and spread all over and there was a mad dash to fold gliders and shove them and 7 people into the basher as it dumped.
The forecast mentions thunderstorms a lot this week, so getting out earlier might be the trick.
The picture is of 2 kangaroos - taken on the west launch of Mt Borah today.
This really does sound like an awesome experience!
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