Task 3 - Chelan Open

Dean Stratton won the day, completing the course in 3:48. That put his average speed at 30.5 km/hour, that is fast! My flight was a little slower (way slower) it took me 5 hours and 42 minutes to get home... and I was really lucky on course, 2 very low saves and for the final glide, we had to cross over the rim of the Columbia gorge, which I cleared by a mere 25 feet... and then had to ridge soar with tons of bar to get across the river and to goal at the soccer field.
I was way under-dressed and spent a lot of the day shivering like mad. This flight was the biggest triangle I've ever done, and the longest I've been aloft - 7 hours.
So we only had 3 tasks, but they were all good ones. Chelan is a great place for XC when it's on, and it was on for the last day.
Results are here
Over and Out!