Back in the Saddle

The Cu is back, making for a beautiful sky. One peak over from launch is a mountain we call Clearspot and it usually gives up the best climbs, yesterday was no exception - I found a nice strong climb and Cu began forming way above head. The vario went into solid tone just below the cloud and I clipped the edge of it around 2200 meters.
Just out in front another nice Cu was building so I pushed out to it, and it was a repeat. The wind was really moving at us from the north and progress was slow over the crossing to the next range called Little Buffalo. The Porepunkah airstrip was busy with lots of sailplanes being towed up - they have a meet every Easter weekend. I pushed out and just made it to the end of the spine where there was just enough lift to get me over the ridge and to a nice LP (landing paddock) next to the Mt Buffalo highway. Brian Webb got there high enough to connect with the climb and he made it out of there.
Looking at Brian's tracklog was interesting - he flew right over the top of the ridge that parallels the valley and the wind must have been hitting it square enough that his line was in ridge lift as he didn't have any big climbs but made it out of the Ovens valley - I just couldn't see it happening but I think down lower the wind was less - determination, a comp glider and lots of speed bar is all one needs... if you want it bad enough.
The weather looks pretty crappy for the next few days, but it could be very flyable (today was an example) in the mornings or evenings.